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FaceSearch: Searches for faces in a given image using the Google Reverse Image Search engine.


  1. Directly download the latest release from the releases page.


  1. First clone this repo. Now, to install the dependencies and create the alias for FaceSearch, run the install.sh.
      bash install.sh


Once it finishes, you can now use the following command on the terminal to detect and search for the faces in any image.

facesearch path/to/Image

Also, note that the path/to/Image can be an internet URL as well! (prefixed with http: or https:) So, you can just drag an image off the internet over the terminal to get its URL pasted over there and search for faces in it using FaceSearch. Really convenient.


Test image:

alt text

On command line:

anon@anon-pc:~/FaceSearch$ facesearch example/test.jpg
[ INFO:0] Initialize OpenCL runtime...
Uploading image..
Thanks for using this tool! Please report any issues to github.
anon@anon-pc:~/FaceSearch$ Created new window in existing browser session.

Output Window:

alt text

In the browser:

alt text

Any feedback, bug reports and issues are welcome here!


Image Source: Rediff